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How We Help Brands Build Audiences

Build Audience

We help brands design campaigns that reap benefits. This is by geofencing, identifying a target audience, optimization of advertisements, and finally, digital marketing. Kristyl Media uses different tools to connect brands with the right audience. We also offer programmatic advertising and self-service to satisfy your various needs.

Programmatic advertising display allows the inclusion of marketing & ad placement and programmatic ads. Below are some crucial aspects of programmatic advertising worth noting down.

We use both unstructured and structured data to build audiences for our clients.

Build Audience
Unstructed vs structed data

Unstructured vs Structured Data

Unstructed vs structed data

Unstructured data – This is unorganized data that hasn’t been arranged in any manner. Therefore, the audience can be built based on location, demographics, shopping behaviors, interest, and intent. It is crucial to deliver the right ads to the target audience at any given time, especially when using unstructured data.

Structured data- Structured data makes up the audience segment. One limitation of using structured data is out-of-date data. Also, structured data can be optimized well when compared to unstructured data. Always use a structured data testing tool in campaigns to determine which one attracts better results than the other.

Understanding your audience guarantees successful advertising optimization campaigns. Therefore, understanding intents, demographics, target priorities, and interests is crucial when evaluating your targeted audience. Kristyl Media can either suppress or block audiences outside the targeted demographic location. Therefore, such advertising strategy optimization maximizes returns. 

Is Programmatic Advertising Effective? Here is a summary of how it works.

Programmatic Advertising

Kristyl Media uses programmatic digital marketing to help brands increase their sales. We use programmatic geofencing and a variety of digital marketing tools and techniques to reach the intended audience. Digital marketing tools identify the right audience through blacklisting and gathering information.

Awareness: Geofencing, audience targeting, contextual category targeting, whitelist targeting, and private marketplace deals are all you need to bring your company into the limelight. 

Interest: Uphold some digital marketing practices once people are aware of your brand. You might also need to gain an understanding of the demographics your products are on demand. Also, continue utilizing geofencing, category targeting, whitelist targeting, private marketplace deals, and audience targeting.

Discovery: Learn different things about users for more conversions. This applies to their purchase priorities, what they like, and their dislikes. Some campaigns worth testing before executing include; geofencing, lookalike prospecting, IP targeting, behavioral audience targeting, and search retargeting. This gives you a rough conversion volume rate to anticipate.

Sale: At this point, a section of the target audience has positively responded to your invitation. They intend on purchasing your products. Always learn from your audience and try converting them using first-party user targeting, site retargeting, and CRM targeting. 

How Programmatic Advertising Campaigns Build Advertising Optimization.

Online advertising has been on the rise for years. Many advertisers are using only Google analytics to measure their return on ad campaigns across different online advertising platforms. At the same time, programmatic display space doesn’t recommend optimizing around clicks for media buyers. 

Apart from optimizing off-click-based return goals, Kristyl media recommends the full-funnel attribution return goal. We can assist you in the following ways:

Measure full-funnel attribution- Only a tiny fraction of online users click on the ads displayed on their devices. This means not all your buyers clicked on the adsense and that not all clickers are buyers.

Generate the right return goals- An excellent example is return goals that revolve around viewability. (The interactive advertising bureau or IAB recommends at least half of the viewed ads should be at least two seconds for videos and one second for displays.)

Kristyl Media offers the best programmatic advertising campaigns. Therefore, be at ease when you contact us. All our campaigns ensure you reach the intended customers. 

Each user captured by any of our audience pools is automatically time-stamped. Afterward, the user is assigned a frequency cap. The frequency cap keeps track of the impressions the user has been served within a day. All our frequency caps online advertising aren’t that aggressive when it applies to funnel campaigns. This mainly applies to a large audience. 

The frequency caps adwords will get aggressive if an advertising campaign weighs down in the funnel. Automatically, the users will reduce. Kristyl Media regularly monitors frequency reporting, recency reporting, and win-rate. This ensures both the settings and bidding run on the right frequency, depending on the campaign. 

Connect with one of our qualified media buyers for more information about our programmatic display advertising platform and different digital marketing campaigns.  

Advertising Optimization

Targeting and retargeting

IP Targeting For Marketing

We can share display ads with targeted audiences based on their IP address. At the same time, we can pinpoint the IP addresses that should be blacklisted or excluded from your display campaigns. Afterward, anyone who visits your website will have their location displayed on a map. This is helpful in marketing and also works well with different SEO tactics. 

Website Retargeting

Helping clients understand that retargeting is just a piece of the display puzzle Retargeting is an essential touchpoint in the marketing funnel because it’s an assurance to all of your other paid media. Consumers have raised their hand to say they are in the market to buy – make sure you are recapturing that audience and keeping them engaged. There is a lot of value in reminding prospects and customers about a website they visited and then left. It may remind them to come back and complete their purchase, or make another purchase.

In-Depth Understanding of CRM Targeting

CRM or customer relationship marketing targeting depends on the first-party data when targeting potential customers or the existing customers when displaying ads.

Advertisers have an option of segmenting their customer’s data into different groups, depending on how they intend their display advertising to work. The CRM segment can be handled in two ways. It can build a lookalike audience when using a client’s data or display ads to target loyal customers, which the regular audience cannot receive.

Organize your CRM lists in ways that can be successful and lucrative.  This suppression list can then be used in your programmatic display campaigns, so you only spend ad dollars on converting net new users.

How Does Search Retargeting Work?

Search retargeting is a combination of three step by step processes, namely: 

  1. We use both your core demographics and your top keywords to find leads, Who can be converted into potential customers.

  2. In Search engines, people may search for keywords but not visit your website. We will find such individuals who are likely to purchase your product and direct them to your website.
  3. Finally, the data will be collected from the Page’s URL, body, title, meta tag, or referring URL. This is an excellent technique for upper-funnel driving and new customer traffic generation. We work hand in hand with over 5,500 websites and toolbars combined across different categories and verticals. Additionally, we will put our focus on large, mid and long-tail publishers.

Understand Everything About Contextual Targeting

Contextual targeting can be defined as targeting individuals through display advertising, depending on the content they have been engaged with whenever online. Below are the three different types of contextual display advertising:

  1. Keyword contextual- This is when a client has gone through content with specific keywords or read through a web page with keywords on it. 
  2. Topic contextual- Here, the display ads are served to web pages relevant to a specific topic such as education, sports and beauty, among others. 

  3. Whitelist contextual- When a client provides a list of specific websites and ads are shown to website users on the whitelisted websites. 



Geofencing can be defined as using either RFID technology or GPS to set up a virtual geographic boundary. In response, this allows the software to automate a response when devices enter or leave the geofenced area.

With Geofencing, you can:

  1. Measure both online and offline conversions.
  2. Target a location with accuracy( the accuracy goes down to 2 1/2 inches)

  3. Target events.

  4. Set up the right customized online audience through offline location data.
  5. Carry out both mobile performance and mobile reach. 


Cross Device Targeting For Your Advertising Campaigns

Kristyl Media is capable of serving ads to different screens in advertising campaigns. Our team uses both probabilistic and deterministic matching algorithms when pairing individuals with their devices. Additionally, Kristyl Media allows advertisers to see the consumer’s journey across different devices for each user. Automatically, this offers direct cross-device advertising and conversion tracking.

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