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buying and selling

E-commerce (also known as electronic commerce) is a process of buying and selling of products or services, making money transfers, and transferring data over an electronic medium (Internet). This network allows people to do business with no barrier of distance and time.

There are six basic types of e-commerce — Business-to-Business (B2B), Business-to-Consumer (B2C), Consumer-to-Consumer (C2C), Consumer-to-Business (C2B), Business-to-Administration (B2A) and Consumer-to-Administration (C2A) — and all of them represent a different purchasing dynamic.

Whether you’re a bootstrapper or an investor with a bit of extra money to start a new enterprise, e commerce is a great field to get into, especially today. Even as a beginner in eCommerce, the tools and resources are all laid out for you. All you need is a strong work ethic and a desire to succeed.

eCommerce is a profitable business. eCommerce is an emerging business. A lot of suppliers choose to open a shop on eCommerce platforms. They operate there and make profits, and the platform can also make profits through their services.


E-commerce SEO Services

Search engine optimization (SEO) is one of the most effective, affordable ways to grow your eCommerce store and boost your revenue. When you rank at the top of search results, more people can find and contact your business.

As one of the most effective ways to drive website traffic, SEO helps your online business increase its revenue and grow.

With our ecommerce SEO services and award-winning team, your website will rank higher in search results for the keywords your target audience uses.

The more key terms you’re able to successfully target, the more qualified customers will click on your products, and in turn, you’ll see an increase in conversions and revenue.

Start growing your online business with WebFX.

If you’d like to speak directly to a strategist about our SEO services for eCommerce websites, feel free to contact us. 

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Why do ecommerce businesses need SEO?

SEO offers several benefits for companies in numerous industries — and it’s especially important for ecommerce businesses.

With ecommerce SEO, you can reach more qualified leads. These are the shoppers most likely to buy your product, which translates to more sales and revenue for your company. SEO helps you reach this group of shoppers by optimizing your website for the keywords they’re using.

These keywords often relate to your store and products.

If you sell embroidered cat collars, for example, it makes sense that people’s searches would feature those phrases. That is why your ecommerce SEO strategy would likely target keywords like, “embroidered cat collars,” or, “engraved cat collars.”

These are keywords relevant to your business, as well as your target shopper.

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Ecommerce SEO perks

E-COMMERCE SEO CONNECTS YOU WITH HIGH-VALUE SHOPPERS; Your potential customers are ready to hand over their hard-earned cash — but without SEO, they may never even know your store exists.

E-commerce SEO is the online equivalent of placing a huge sign in front of a brick-and-mortar storefront that says, “We carry dog toys!” or “We sell cat supplies!” Without optimizing your website for these key phrases, your chance at showing up in searches for keywords with high buying intent is slim to none.

Instead, it’s your competitors that do — and they’re happy to adopt your shoppers.

eCommerce SEO optimizes your entire product line.

As an online store, you probably have an expansive product line — even if you offer shoppers a smaller, curated selection, it’s essential that your target audience can find your goods when searching online. With our e-commerce SEO services, we optimize each of your products.

The result? Users that search for, “memory foam dog bed,” or, “orthopedic cat bed,” find your website and your products. Even better, they find what they’re looking for, which translates to another online order for your business.

In comparison, if your company relied on traditional marketing you’d have to settle on marketing one or two of your products — unless you had a massive marketing budget. While you’d probably market your most popular products, you couldn’t guarantee you’d reach your target audience.

With ecommerce SEO services, you can optimize your site to reach your most qualified customers.


Don't Ignore SEO

Ecommerce SEO focuses on improving your online visibility to search engines. By increasing your visibility, e-commerce SEO makes it easier for consumers to find your website. So, instead of appearing on page two of search results, your website shows up on page one.

Ignore SEO, and your business becomes vulnerable to several risks, including:

  • Lower search result rankings
  • Fewer purchase orders
  • Less revenue

These are all risks that impact your bottom line, as well as daily operations. If you’re not driving valuable traffic to your website, you’re not making sales, which leads to a downturn in your overall profits. That’s not sustainable.

With our eCommerce SEO services, as well as competitive and innovative strategies, we maximize your visibility in search results. That’s why our team invests the time to learn your business, from your products to your shoppers, and builds a personalized strategy that drives results.

With a close rate of almost 15 percent — meaning 15 percent of all leads will convert — SEO offers a reliable and long-term source of revenue for your company. That’s why SEO is a long-term and ongoing process — it doesn’t deliver results overnight, but it does deliver over time.

While 15 percent may seem less-than-stellar, it’s eight times more than traditional marketing’s close rate of 1.7 percent. That’s a terrible close rate, especially when you consider the investment your company’s making each year into traditional marketing.

It’s another reason why digital marketing is becoming the trusted choice of eCommerce stores.

With the continuous results of eCommerce SEO, your company can grow over time. That translates to achieving your company’s long-term goals, which may include expanding your product line, building your team members, or reaching your dream number of sales.

The best part is that you don’t pay for the results of eCommerce SEO, unlike PPC. While the two services work well together, you pay for every click that PPC earns your company. That cuts into your overall ROI and profits. Plus, it makes your business dependent on paid advertising to drive revenue.

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Online stores who can use our SEO services

Any online store can use eCommerce SEO services. At Kristyl Media, our experience with providing SEO services to eCommerce websites encompasses more than 30 years. We’ve also partnered with clients that use a range of eCommerce platforms, from Shopify to WooCommerce.

Ready to make your store more visible online?

Your online store shouldn’t be stuck on page two (or worse). With help from one of the nation’s leading SEO agencies, you can experience the power of being on page one, and having an eCommerce website that ranks well, attracts as many customers as possible, and converts more clicks into purchases.

With Kristyl Media and our eCommerce SEO services, you can achieve your goals.

Contact Kristyl Media today to find out how a custom eCommerce SEO plan can make your store more visible and turn more of your visitors into real, paying customers. We’ll work with you to create a plan completely customized to your unique needs.

Just click below or give us a ring to chat with an experienced strategist!


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